Stripey whisker noodle on the hunt for a snack
The higher the hair, the closer to god. Get holy with hairspray
Reeci is overseeing dishes
You dream big too, li’l buddy
NC VOTERS: this is the first big general election with the NC Voter ID law in effect. There are multiple exceptions or options available to you to make sure all eligible voters can vote! 
1. Expired NCDLs can be valid for voting if they’re expired 1 year or less
2. Voters 65 years or older can use an expired acceptable ID if the ID was unexpired on their 65th birthday
3. The form above is the NC Voter ID Exception Form that may be issued by the Help Table at your precinct in conjunction with voting a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots in Wake County are issued tracking numbers so that voters may easily follow up on what happened to their ballot
100 per cent vibing with this cut from @corileestyle !!! Ready to drive with the windows down!
Instagram post 18344979391136116
Cannot wait to get my hair done by @corileestyle today!! Here’s a before, no product and air dry.
Reeci brought her wet food dish upstairs to stare at it in front of me
The Three Drinks as per protocol
My insistent and fuzzy baby
I was on a (tiny) boat with fabulous sunglasses